KattianaGay / Massage Therapist in Jersey City, New Jersey

My name is Kattiana, Licenced Massage Therapist. My technique incorporates a combination of methods from a variety of modalities to create a massage treatment that will best meet your goals based on what you tell me and how your muscles responding to the massage.

Doing therapeutic massage and body work is more than just my job. Each massage provides me with the great joy of bringing relief through the art of healing. I deeply honor the need to relax and unwind and work hard to ensure that my practice facilitates this for each and every client. I work mostly intuitively, and let my hands move to where the body is in need of treatment.

Make an appointment today! It will worth it! I'll let my hands speak for itself.


AMTA Member Cash Chair Massage Check Deep Tissue Deep Tissue massage Myofascial Massage Swedish Massage Trigger Point therapy
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