The Massage God / Massage Therapist in Los Angeles, California

Welcome! Kenneth here, better known as, The Massage God! As a former athlete, I’ve received countless messages and therefore I have a very keen understanding of the human body and anatomy. During my sports career, I’ve encountered numerous injuries on and off the field. While I was introduced to many fixes, Massage therapy was the one that always gave me the most relief and best results. After my sports career, I always had this burning desire to want to help others that I believe could benefit from the correct muscle manipulation. Cause let’s face it, Massage Therapy is just that, Muscle Manipulation. Combining my knowledge from schooling to get certified as a CMT and my sports career, I’ve taken all that I have learned and experienced and incorporated it into my practice. I understand the difficulties of finding a therapist that can get the job done and that’s why the universe has brought you here. I’m set on a lifelong journey to help others in any way that I can! Thank you for visiting and I’m looking forward to helping you live a happier and healthier life! Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler


Couples Massage Deep Tissue Deep Tissue massage Injury Treatment Pregnancy Massage Sports Massage Swedish Massage Therapeutic Massage Trigger Point therapy
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