My passion is to focus on helping relieve the stress of those with an illness, such as cancer or Parkinson's disease.
Since 1989, I have been in a private practice in a professional health clinic. I specialize in Orthopedic Medical Sports Massage and Manual Lymph Drainage . I am Board Certified in Therapeutic massage & bodywork. I have advanced training in NeuromusSee More
...I focus on postural corrections through adjusting the alignment of the body's structure. The main areas involve the spine, shoulders, hips, and ankles. The cause of of pain for my clients can be rooted in a lack of body awareness and lifestyle habitsSee More
...Laura Rose has been passionately practicing and refining the art of her "listening touch" since 2000 when she attended the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics where she studied Swedish Massage, Polarity Therapy, Reflexology, Acupressure and RefSee More
...I am the founder of Phenomenal Touch Massage, a profoundly unique, effective, luxurious, deep, loving, three-dimensional form of bodywork that meets each client exactly where they are. It is more then just a massage. Not only will your muscles and See More
...At Meridian Massage Therapy, my goal is to reduce body discomfort, increase flexibility and educate clients about their body through professional therapeutic massage.
I have been a full time massage therapist since 1989. Practicing Neuromuscular, Trigger Point, Deep tissue, Sport massage, Cupping massage, Peri-operative. Most of my clients are Auto accident victims, chronic pain, sport injury, workers comp. postSee More is © Copyright Sudden Ventures, Inc. ( 0.077 secs on 01/28/25)
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